Small Business

Your Weekly Read
Business owners: When it comes to IRS audits, be prepared

Business owners: When it comes to IRS audits, be prepared

If you recently filed your 2016 income tax return (rather than filing for an extension) you may now be wondering whether it’s likely that your business could be audited by the IRS based on your filing. Here’s what every business owner should know about the audit...

Choosing between a calendar tax year and a fiscal tax year

Choosing between a calendar tax year and a fiscal tax year

Many business owners use a calendar year as their company’s tax year. It’s intuitive and aligns with most owners’ personal returns, making it about as simple as anything involving taxes can be. But for some businesses, choosing a fiscal tax year can make more sense....

Should your business consider implementing an ESOP?

Should your business consider implementing an ESOP?

Among the retirement plans that small businesses can offer to their workers are Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs). As the title indicates, an ESOP is a process for transferring ownership of the company to employees. How does that work as a retirement plan? In...

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144 W 2nd St
Washington, NC 27889

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8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
