You can only deduct losses from an S corporation, partnership or LLC if you “materially participate” in the business. Without material participation, your losses are generally “passive” and can only be used to offset income from other passive activities. Any excess...
Small Business
Your Weekly ReadWhat to do if your business has a net operating loss
When the deductible expenses of a business exceed its income, a net operating loss (NOL) generally occurs. If you’re planning ahead or filing your income tax return after an extension request and you find that your business has a qualifying NOL, there’s some good...
Why you should not buy a business in your IRA
Business owners may need capital to support growth, and the money in their IRA can be tempting. Nevertheless, the pitfalls can be steep, as illustrated in a recent Tax Court case (Thiessen v. Commissioner, 146 T.C. No. 7 [3/29/16]). Here, the court ruled that because...
Claim a home office deduction for business use
You might be able to claim a deduction for the business use of a home office. If you qualify, you can deduct a portion of expenses, including rent or mortgage interest, depreciation, utilities, insurance, and repairs. The exact amount that can be deducted depends on...
Deduct 100% of certain meal and entertainment expenses
Many businesses host a company picnic for their employees in the summer. It’s a fun activity for your staff. But more importantly, you may be able to take a larger deduction for the cost than you would on other meal and entertainment expenses. Meal and entertainment...
Business Owners: What is your exit strategy?
Small business owners should have an exit strategy - a plan for the time when they’re either unwilling or unable to keep running their company. That plan should include both a current business continuity plan for relatively young business owners and a future long-term...
Document your meals, entertainment, auto and travel expenses
If your small business claims deductions for meals, entertainment, auto and travel expenses, be aware that the IRS may closely review them. Too often, taxpayers don’t have the necessary documentation to meet the strict requirements set forth under tax law and by the...
What’s the best entity choice for your business?
A principal consideration for any new or existing business is choosing an appropriate legal entity. Available options in most states include C corporations, S corporations, general and limited partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), limited liability...
Combine business travel with a family vacation
Are you thinking about turning an upcoming business trip into a family vacation this summer? This can be a great way to fund a portion of your vacation costs. But if you’re not careful, you could lose the tax benefits of business travel. Reasonable and necessary...
How do you determine employees under the Affordable Care Act?
It seems like a simple question: How many full-time employees does your small business employ? But, when it comes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the answer can be complicated. The number of workers you employ determines whether your organization is an applicable...
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