
Your Weekly Read
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Key provisions affecting individuals

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Key provisions affecting individuals

On December 20, Congress completed passage of the largest federal tax reform law in more than 30 years. Commonly called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA), the new law means substantial changes for individual taxpayers. The following is a brief overview of some of the...

Last minute tax saving tips for individual taxpayers

Last minute tax saving tips for individual taxpayers

The year is quickly drawing to a close. But there’s still time to take steps to reduce your 2017 tax liability, as long as you act by December 31st.  Here are a few tried-and-true year-end tax planning tips for those who normally itemize their deductions: Pay your...

Could the AMT boost your 2017 tax bill?

Could the AMT boost your 2017 tax bill?

A fundamental tax planning strategy is to accelerate deductible expenses into the current year. This typically will defer (and in some cases permanently reduce) your taxes. But there are exceptions. One is if the additional deductions this year trigger the alternative...

Potential tax pitfalls of donating real estate to charity

Charitable giving allows you to help an organization you care about. And in most cases, you enjoy a valuable income tax deduction. If you’re considering a large gift, a noncash donation such as appreciated real estate can provide additional benefits. For example, if...

Claiming a federal tax deduction for moving costs

Claiming a federal tax deduction for moving costs

Summer is a popular time to move, whether it’s so the kids don’t have to change schools mid-school-year, to avoid having to move in bad weather or simply because it can be an easier time to sell a home. Unfortunately, moving can be expensive. The good news is that you...

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