estate planning

Your Weekly Read
The 2019 gift tax return deadline is approaching

The 2019 gift tax return deadline is approaching

If you made large gifts to your children, grandchildren or other heirs last year, it’s important to determine whether you’re required to file a 2019 gift tax return. And in some cases, even if it’s not required to file one, it may be beneficial to do so anyway. Who...

Retiring to another state? Consider state and local taxes.

Retiring to another state? Consider state and local taxes.

When you retire, you may consider moving to another state — say, for the weather or to be closer to your loved ones. Don’t forget to factor state and local taxes into the equation. Establishing residency for state tax purposes may be more complicated than it initially...

The 2018 gift tax return deadline is almost here

The 2018 gift tax return deadline is almost here

Did you make large gifts to your children, grandchildren or other heirs last year? If so, it’s important to determine whether you’re required to file a 2018 gift tax return — or whether filing one would be beneficial even if it isn’t required. Gift tax return filing...

A review of significant TCJA provisions impacting individuals

A review of significant TCJA provisions impacting individuals

Now that 2019 has begun, there isn’t too much you can do to reduce your 2018 income tax liability. But it’s smart to begin preparing for filing your 2018 return. Because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which was signed into law at the end of 2017, likely will have a...

Are income taxes taking a bite out of your trusts?

Are income taxes taking a bite out of your trusts?

If your estate plan includes one or more trusts, review them in light of income taxes. For trusts, the income threshold for triggering top tax rates is $12,500 for 2017. These top rates are as follows : Top income tax rate of 39.6%, Top long-term capital gains rate of...

Charitable? Consider a Charitable Lead Trust

Charitable? Consider a Charitable Lead Trust

If estate taxes are a concern and you’re looking for a way to benefit charity while transferring assets to loved ones, consider a charitable lead trust (CLT). But you may want to act soon: CLTs save the most tax when interest rates are low, like they are now, and...

Why you need a will

Why you need a will

You may think that your estate plan should include a will in order to handle the disposition of your assets. That's true: if you die "intestate," meaning without a will, some or all of your assets probably will be distributed according to state law. In reality,...

Considering a gift to a loved one? Save taxes, too.

Considering a gift to a loved one? Save taxes, too.

If your 2015 tax liability is higher than you’d hoped and you’re ready to gift some assets to your loved ones, now may be the time to get started. Giving away assets will, of course, help reduce the size of your taxable estate. But with income-tax-smart gifting...

Read something interesting? Want more information? Give us a call, and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.
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