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Grandparent Aid for College Costs

Grandparent Aid for College Costs

Many grandparents would like to help their grandchildren with the steep costs of higher education. That’s often a laudable goal, but some methods of providing this assistance might be more effective than other tactics. Gifting aid for college costs The simplest tactic...

Considering a gift to a loved one? Save taxes, too.

Considering a gift to a loved one? Save taxes, too.

If your 2015 tax liability is higher than you’d hoped and you’re ready to gift some assets to your loved ones, now may be the time to get started. Giving away assets will, of course, help reduce the size of your taxable estate. But with income-tax-smart gifting...

How an inherited asset differs from a gift

How an inherited asset differs from a gift

When someone gives you cash or other valuable assets, do you owe income tax? No. The same is true if you receive an inheritance. The giver may owe gift tax and the decedent’s estate may owe estate tax but you, as the recipient, won’t owe income tax. The situation will...

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