Are you having second thoughts about your chosen successor? It happens. Here are some ways to address the issue and decide whether to change course.
succession planning
Your Weekly ReadIf your business has co-owners, you probably need a buy-sell agreement
For most business co-owners, the value of their business shares comprises a big percentage of their estates. Having a buy-sell agreement protects co-owners and their heirs and helps avoid hassles with the IRS.
Three timelines business owners should look at for succession planning
Business owners: When creating a succession plan for your company, you’ll ideally want to account for three separate timelines. Here’s a brief look at each.
Tax tips when buying the assets of a business
When buying a business, you may not focus on taxes. But the way the transaction is structured can lead to better or worse tax results after the acquisition.
Valuations can help business owners plan for the future
Most business owners know that a valuation will be necessary if they decide to sell their companies. But there are other reasons to consider engaging a qualified appraiser.
Look carefully at three critical factors of succession planning
When making a succession plan, business owners will want to consider these three critical factors.
What are the tax implications of buying or selling a business?
Merger and acquisition activity in many industries slowed during 2020 due to COVID-19. But analysts expect it to improve in 2021 as the country comes out of the pandemic. If you are considering buying or selling another business, it’s important to understand the tax...
Why you should keep life insurance out of your estate
If you have a life insurance policy, you probably want to make sure that the life insurance benefits your family will receive after your death won’t be included in your estate. That way, the benefits won’t be subject to the federal estate tax. Under the estate tax...
Does your small business have an emergency succession plan?
For business owners, succession planning is ideally a long-term project. You want to begin laying out a smooth ownership transition, and perhaps grooming a successor, years in advance. And you shouldn’t officially hand over the reins until many minute details have...
How’s your buy-sell agreement doing these days?
Most companies wouldn’t go into business without some basic types of insurance in place, such as property coverage and liability coverage. For a company with more than one owner, there’s an additional type of risk-management arrangement that needs to be established: a...
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