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Protecting youth sports leagues from fraud

Protecting youth sports leagues from fraud

Who would defraud a kids’ organization? The answer, unfortunately, is that trusted adults sometimes steal from not-for-profits benefiting children. Youth sports leagues and teams are ripe for fraud. Cash transactions are common, and coaches and board members usually...

The tax implications of a business vehicle

The tax implications of a business vehicle

The use of a business vehicle is a valuable fringe benefit for owners and employees of small businesses. This benefit results in tax deductions for the employer as well as tax breaks for the owners and employees using the cars. (And of course, they get the nontax...

Use a Coverdell ESA to help pay for your child’s education

Use a Coverdell ESA to help pay for your child’s education

There are several ways to save for your child’s or grandchild’s education, including with a Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA). Although for federal tax purposes there’s no upfront deduction for contributions made to an ESA, the earnings on the contributions...

A cash balance plan is an intriguing pension possibility

A cash balance plan is an intriguing pension possibility

Pension plans aren’t as popular as they used to be. For years now, employers have been moving from defined benefit plans (pensions) to defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s. But one type of hybrid pension that remains relatively popular is the cash balance plan....

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Washington, NC 27889

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